Monthly Archives: June 2015

Moved to Tai Tong

Hey all!

Alright so this last week has been pretty crazy! we had Transfers and our mission president finished his time here! I moved from xin zhuang down to the east coast in tai tong! its a sweet place and im loving every bit of it! ive only been here for about 3 days but its been a good time so far. My companion is now Elder Tang and he is a crazy guy but he’s a ton of fun! the fun thing about our area is that its not all city and also sometimes we work with missoinaries in the taizhong mission!! yeah!!! its great fun! The situation here actually isn’t that much different from my last area actually, we don’t have a lot of investigators and such. i really do have a beautiful area though so its not even a big deal πŸ™‚ I have met some amazing members and i know im here for a reason. I’ll just do my best and we will see what god has in store for me here! oh and here’s some pictures πŸ™‚

Elder Miner

-On the 5 hour train ride down here

-My companion Elder Tang

-The stuff we get to bike through every day πŸ™‚
-And just spiderman no biggy….haha πŸ˜‰

Finished training. I know you wish you were here!

Hey everyone!

So this week i finish training finally! ive been out 6 months already and im finally done with training! its because im a trouble maker πŸ˜‰ haha nah im excited though! This area has been hard im not going to lie. we haven’t had any super crazy success but i have seen the biggest miracles here and have had some growing experiences that i wouldn’t trade for anything! im going to miss my trainer and all the times we have had. The mission…. oh man i love the mission. ive learned things that i don’t think i could have learned anywhere else. i absolutely love the people here and their culture! Taiwan is a packed place but its a beautiful place in its own way πŸ™‚ this last week i helped huang hui ting accept baptism! the sisters taught her and they asked me to help! so i did! it was an awesome baptism and i didn’t mess up on the chinese… so yeah thats right!


haha kidding it was a good experience! this past week we have had to bike in the pouring rain twice and its so much fun! ive learned you are wet from either sweat or rain there is no dry here for missionaries πŸ™‚ went on a super fun hike last monday which was beautiful!


Love the mission, Love the Lord, i love chinese and the people here, i love the missionaries and the things they can teach me! life is soo good its unreal πŸ™‚ hope you all have a good week! πŸ™‚

i know you all wish you were here but im sure you’ll get over it πŸ˜‰ haha

Elder Miner

Taipei 101, girl flirting with Americans, saxophone-playing investigator

Hey everyone! so this week has been a good one!! ive got a funny story to start πŸ™‚ so last monday after emailing we had to go to this guy to see if he could fix my companions suit (don’t put your suit on a stove top….ever…) and he was talking to this guy and then this girl comes and talks to the guy too. then she has to wait while my comp talks to this guy, so she starts talking to me and i invite her to english class and do my missionary stuff and she wrote down her address and all this stuff! it was super sweet!! i was excited because its always fun to have some success! πŸ™‚ then after we leave my companion says to me after reading what she wrote "She wants to go biking and just do some fun things, she doesn’t want anything to do with our church…" haha so…. one day ill be able to tell if a girl is interested in the gospel or just some americans πŸ™‚ haha!

anyway for legit news. This last week we had some really good success. we had 2 investigators and 2 less actives at church! then we had some fun knocking fun the pouring rain, its great! πŸ™‚

We went hiking next to Taipei 101 super beautiful view even though it was a bit polluted!


best investigator!! he came late to English class like right when we were walking out and he felt super bad so he played an epic song on his saxophone for us! πŸ™‚


Had this super good Cheese Cake that i almost forgot to take a picture of…. so here is part of that cheese cake πŸ™‚ everything is so cheap here! its the best! πŸ™‚

I hope that you all are doing good and that you remember what a great life we all have! oh and i almost forgot! i am going to be baptizing the sisters in our area’s investigator this friday! pray that i don’t forget the chinese! πŸ™‚ haha love you all!

Elder Miner

Taipei 101, district bike ride, temple

Hey everyone this week was awesome! went to Taipei 101 and just had a blast this week! we had 2 investigators come to church and they seem to be progressing really well!

​Me at the top of Taipei 101!

couldn’t help myself, it was just there haha

​my district after biking to zone meeting for half an hour πŸ™‚

​just a super sweet view is all

​Beautiful temple!

​construction signs here have little asian hats πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

My week was super good! hope yours was good! ill try and do better at keeping you all updated!

Elder Miner