Monthly Archives: August 2015

大家好 (hello, everyone) Spirit prompts, the Lin family, and Deng Zhi Yuan reads the scriptures

From: Nathan Miner []
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2015 11:24 PM
Subject: [Elder Miner’s Missionary Mailing List] 大家好

So this week… yeah 🙂 It was a good week! had some really great moments! at the start of the week we had some really hard times not going to lie but that is expected. what i want to focus on was how the week ended and the blessings that we saw because of our efforts and just becuase God loves us 🙂

First, we had a day when we were just meeting so many prepared people! I finally have an experience you always here about from missions. I was biking down this road and i look down this little road off to our right and see this guy walking pretty far down the road with his umbrella (because it hasn’t stopped raining for a good while… its the best 🙂 im not joking! haha) anyway i see him and just thought “hey, i should go talk to him” so i just told my companion after we had already passed the road and biked my little heart out to catch up to him! so we catch up and he ends up being willing to listen to the whole first lesson and accepted a book of mormon! it was sick!

Second, That same day we went finding before we had a dinner appointment with this lin family! met this guy who told us that he actually just started to believe in christ and wants to learn a lot more! told us that he had no interest in the church until his boss just invited him to a church activity!! goes to show that every members a missionary! 🙂

Third, we had dinner with that lin family and they are soo funny!! i love them! they were making some kind of racist jokes about how black people would order coldstone which was super funny not going to lie! im sorry… but it was 🙂 haha!

Last, we have been teaching this investigator his name is deng zhi yuan and he is legit!! every assignment it the scriptures we give him he reads and makes notes and ask super legit questions…. i haven’t met someone that is searching more for the truth than he is! he so sweet! sad news… he said he is moving back up to Taipei because he is done with his military service… he already told us that he is planning on getting baptized though! he is so sick! i plan on writing him for sure though!

That was this week though! it was super good! heres some pictures!

Hippie, witches, Elder Matua’s birthday, Christ is our Savior

From: Nathan Miner []
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2015 11:08 PM
Subject: [Elder Miner’s Missionary Mailing List] The week 🙂

So this week we have had some really good things happen! we met with our bishop and the auxilary leaders and set up a night we are pretty much going to train them how to be missionaries!! this ward is so proactive and im excited to see the growth. they have only been a ward for about a month and a half now! so excited to see the change and growth! 🙂

Then this week while finding/ knocking some doors there was this lady that quite honestly is the closest thing to a hippie i have seen in Taiwan! she wanted us to visit her "witch" friend who could help us clean our energy… we politely declined her generous offer.. 🙂 as we were leaving she said that i had "a rainbow light about me" …that is the spirit… all the spirit. then! we found this guy who set a baptismal date on the street!! super sick! he was about to get his glorious mane cut… it was kind of sad he had amazing hair!… but anyway… i can’t wait to see what happens with him!

This week was Elder Matua’s birthday! he is now 19 and he’s super sick! ill attach some pictures of our rice cooker birthday cake… haha 🙂 and our apartment is slowly breaking… the fans (which are necisary in such a hot place… we don’t stop sweating here! haha!), along with the lights and the washer… its super fun times 🙂 OH and the Typhoons that have come into Taiwan aren’t hitting us down here in Tai Dong. so theres no worries there!

Just want to say that i know christ is our savior and redeemer. He literally went through all the things we have gone through even the small ones… i can’t even comprehend that…. but i know he is there and will comfort and guide us in our lives. Rely on him and you cannot go wrong. Thank you for all the support and i hope you are all doing good! 🙂 love you all! until next week 🙂

Elder Miner

New companion, Elder Lindahl. Terrible at writing.

Hey everyone!

so surprise! i got a new companion!! wasn’t expecting that but hey what was i thinking im on a mission! 😉 haha its all good im really going to miss Elder Tang but Elder Lindahl is super funny and an awesome missionary for sure!! other than that nothing much.. im terrible at writing emails home when i dont’ have anything to respond to. haha im sorry! i hope that this is satisfactory though! haha 🙂 heres some pictures though!

台风 (typhoon) Shaved ice, typhoon

hey everyone!

so this week was a good one! last p day we ended up going to get this shaved ice thing that was ment for 30-40 people!! good thing we are Americans and can eat a ton though! 😉 Then there was a typhoon that came in! from the sounds of it the entire mission except for us in taidong got hit pretty bad, we just had some strong winds and rain but im not complaining! 🙂 other than that it was just work as usual! just got so say that in the last transfer that ive been down here in Tai Dong ive learned a ton! I love the mission and all that i have learned from the time i have to serve! 🙂

Elder Miner

-Typhoon weather….

-my face describes it perfectly… haha!

Meeting new mission president. Spiritual giants.


So this week was great! got my first interview with the new mission president and i can tell you this he is legit! is is exactly what our mission needs! 🙂 other than that we didn’t have anything too crazy! Ive loved getting to know the members here and all they have to offer to the work. there are seriously some spiritual giants here in Tai Dong! you don’t have to be a member for a lifetime to be a spiritual giant either. just have to have the desire and the will to follow the savior! im glad to be out here and help the church grow out here. The church really is relatively young here in Taiwan and im glad to be apart of the growth 🙂 now… here’s some pictures 🙂

Elder Miner

A super good hot pot… i ate way too much!