Monthly Archives: February 2016

D&C123: 16-17

This week has been a good week as usual! About to run out of time becuase they had us take this survey sorry! haha

but the most important things that happened this week.

First, I was able to interview 2 people this week for baptism!! super great experience, i love interviews ๐Ÿ™‚ It has become one of my most favorite parts of my mission to be able to see these people make the decision to be baptized and see the change that the atonement has made in their life!

Second, I personally have come to realize the enabling power of the atonement. if you don’t know what that is study it and it will bless your life!

lastly i love this gospel, the more you study and share about it the more you understand just how all encompassing it is! there is literally nothing it doesn’t effect and it brings happiness, not just any happiness though ๐Ÿ™‚ love you all! and have a great week!

Temple, companion’s niece passes away

This week was a great one! starters we went to the temple! I love the temple so dang much! the peace that you can find there is unreal! i have found that temple times always come right when they are most needed. this week my companion found out some hard news. his niece passed away from pneumonia and that was literally two days before the temple that he found that out. When he found that out it was hard on him as it would be with anyone. when he got off the phone with his family the first thing we did was give him a blessing. you never really appropriate the power of the priesthood until you are called to use it. I can’t describe the feelings and all that happened during and after that blessing but as soon as i started giving that blessing i just had a feeling of piece and comfort. The spirit was so strong there.

There are many events that led up to this and his family situation is doing good, but his example to me and the strength of him and his famliy is just amazing.

Everybody, god lives and he loves us. You can’t always understand his plan for you but you can know that his plan is always the best thing and will always bring later piece even if at that moment you don’t have that. Love you all!

Elder Miner

ๆ–ฐๅนดๅฟซๆจ‚! John 15:16-20

hey all!

So this week was a good one! I have learned so much about being a missionary and just a member of this church in general! haha we have so many promised blessings and on top of that we have so much that we can do to help the work and spread the blessings!

anyway now to the more important things! so we had an investigator that we haven’t talked to in about a month run into some other missionaries and long story short they helped her overcome some concerns and she came to church this week!!!!! YES! she is just the cutest little mom and just wants to do good and understand but she has a hard time understanding but feels bad asking! so we changed our ways and are really just working with her, shes awesome and her name is zhang jing wen ๐Ÿ™‚ Then there is another investigator qiu zi man. she is doing soo good but because of chinese new year her and pretty much every single investigator that we have has not been able to meet! but keep them in your prayers!

Chinese new year is super great and not great at the same time… we get fed sooooooooooooooooo much food it is unreal!! but… we are not able to find anyone willing to meet because they are going places and cooking food and just don’t have time so, thats the one down side! i really do love it though and even though more people are busy we have seen some really great success ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the work.

Oh and a lot of you have mentioned the earthquake and honestly i didn’t even know it happened until someone on the street told me! i was sound asleep through it! haha i know such a great story… ๐Ÿ™‚ love you all! remember who you are and what you stand for! i Love this Gospel and our savior Jesus Christ!

Elder Miner