a whole new Zone

so this last week ill be honest i have been exhausted! its was super good though 🙂 we had transfers and there were a lot of changes made here! every companionship except two of us changed in one way or another! had one training companionship that had both of them move in the middle of training and went to open an area… nuts! then we just had a lot of new people move in and i am now the oldest missionary in the zone and the mission! yay! haha this is the start of my last transfer on mission and that is a weird feeling. doesn’t really feel like the end honestly haha but whatever

so we ran into a little hold up with the wang family, we were talking with them and they brought up that they have issues with the trinity because of things that they learned in their last church. we talked with them and they are still willing to meet and all we are just hoping that we can help them continue to learn all this. then we have had some good work done with all our other investigators we have a few that are willing to keep commitments and we are hoping that we can get them ond ate for baptism 🙂 i love the people we are working with!

thats about it honestly, but life is good! Elder Conover is sick right now which is kind of sucky but he’s doing good. i just hope that i don’t get sick because i would just rather not haha. love you all!

Elder Miner
