Quest, from Allen Communication Learning Services

Support Page

Quest Multimedia Authoring System

Here you'll find links, downloads, and descriptions of Quest templates and samples to help you be a successful Quest developer.
Search the various pages for ideas of things you can put in your Quest lesson to make it interactive and interesting.
Description Item

Features and Benefits

Word document describing in detail the features and benefits of Quest.
Features & Benefits of Quest

Quest Player

This Player runs both Quest 6.0 and 7.0 titles; needed only when courses are run from a web server or when courses were not released with the Quest Player (executable). This is a free runtime, without royalty or licensing.
Quest Player Installation.

Windows API

A help file describing the more common Windows API (Application Programmer Interface) calls.. This is an old help file for which Allen Communication received rights from Borland to disseminate to users upon request. The Windows API is a collection of function calls built into Windows and used by Windows programmers to create Windows applications.

This documentation is for Windows 3.1 API calls, but all these same function calls will also work in later versions of Windows, as well as Quest. If you see a reference in Quest to function calls with the same name as noted in this help file, but with an A on the end of the name, these reference the newer version of the function call as used in the newer (32-bit) versions of Windows--use the function call with the A on the end.

The second link to the right takes you to the Microsoft Developer Network web site where you can search a complete online support system of the entire Windows API and other developer tools. In the search field, enter the name of the API call you wish to use.
Windows API Help File.

Microsoft Developer Network

Quest Tutorial

This is an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file, the tutorial to be used by new Quest users of the full Quest product, as well as those using Quest Lite to evaluate the tool. (To save a copy of the tutorial to your hard disk instead of displaying it within your browser, right-click the link at the right and select Save Target As.)
Quest Tutorial

Quest Lite

This is a functional version of Quest with a few features removed. It is free, intended to be used by those evaluating Quest.

This version has the Release program removed, as well as most of the course templates and libraries, in order to make it small enough to download from the web. A few little-used objects have also been removed, and it has a limitation of 50 frames, still plenty to develop a "serious" piece of training. It is an excellent development program to use and play with.
Quest Lite

Examples referenced in the monthly Quest User Exchange classes

This section contains links to the Quest lessons that were used and created for monthly Quest User classes held when Allen Communication still had the tools side of the company. Original Quest lessons are included so you can see how the lessons were authored. Recordings are of the classes as originally presented. (Click the header above to go to that page.)

Quest Titles Showing Little-Known Tricks in Quest

Over the years I created many examples of interactions, questions, templates, and other fun things for clients and for internal use. Some of the most common are found in this section. (Click the header above.)