Hey everyone!
Alright so this week has been a great one! to start on Tuesday we had our Outdoor zone conference in a super beautiful place in Hua Lien. to be honest i forgot the name of it but its like taroca gorge or something like that! we woke up at 3 in the morning on tuesday and didn’t get back until about 10:30 that night! it was a long day but be had so much fun and it was a great day of trainings! ill add some pictures for sure don’t even worry about it!
Then we had a normal week up until saturday when we had to go back up to hua lien which is a 3 hour train ride by the way! we went up there for stake conference! they had a small meeting for the adults on saturday and then normal on sunday it was sweet! we have some amazing people in our stake down here in Taidong and Hualien! oh and last week i passed off phase 1!!! there are 3 phases in the language study thing. first is gospel chinese second is everday chinese then third is characters… so i took way longer than i would have liked on phase 1 but i am now studying harder than i have before!
Update on just the area in general because i know that i have missed the best parts in my emails im sure haha! so we have 3 baptismal date investigators! there is Tim 鄭 (zheng) he is super sick! i love this kid1 he is 16 and super prepared for the gospel! kind of quiet but he is sweet! then there is Travis 張 (zhang) he is super sweet also! when we contacted him he had already read the book of mormon all the way through and just told us straight up that he wants to get baptized when his mom says he can! super excited about him!! then its shoni who has such a great sense of humor its almost hard to teach her sometimes! haha:) they are all awesome!
Last thing that happened! so we taught a drunk guy! well we tried… haha we start talking to him and he just goes off on such random things! haha super funny, then he started to ask us if we could tickle him so that him laughing would take away his sins… it was a little strange not going to lie…. and no we didn’t tickle him…. but hey we are planning on going back when he’s a little more sober to see if we can help him!
that is it for this week! nothing super crazy! just another day as a deciple of christ! Hope all is going well back home! love you all!
Elder Miner
孟長老 (Elder Miner)