Not much time. My companion’s email

don’t have much time to write because i took to long on everyone elses… oops but! i have my companions email which is a million times better than mine this week so with his permission im sending this to you all!

After finding out I was not moving the greatest excitment was that I could continue meeting with Qui zi man. We meet her on friday at the old temple president’s house who lives in our ward and is now retired. There house is so awesome and the perfect place for a lesson. I want to try to have lessons in members houses more, people here really don’t want people to visit them in their house because they are imbaressed at the mess or size of it so we most often have lesson at a McDonalds, and 7-11. But I am making it a goal to go to a members house when ever we can now. It is so much better! anyways, in Qui zi man’s lesson we taught Obedience, Sabbath, Scripture study, and baptism. We invited her to read and pray about the book of mormon last time and everyday since we have together and personal prayed for her to get an answer, we even fasted for her to get an answer last sunday. when we followed up she siad she got and answer and knows it is true! It was so AWESOME! that’s is the first time an investigator has actually told me that got an answer to that spesific question! We then, by reading the last pragraph of the introduction of the Book of Mormon explained what having her answer ment! the rest of the lesson was awesome and because she had her answer it was so smooth, and accepting all the other invites we had prepared for her. Next month she will get ever sunday off so come to church! In her closing prayer she asked to make sure that her baptism on the 20th of Febuary would go smoothly. She is so prepaired!

also, The greatest part about missionary work is seeing the gosple change people. this last sunday an LA that we had been working with earlier and actually taught and baptized her younger sister got a calling as the relief society secritary. It was so awesome. She is know fully engaged in the ward. talking to her and her sister I asked, "Have you seen any changes in your life sence meeting with us?" and they both said that before their relationship wasn’t to good, they would hardly talk, but now they are best friends. I would have never guessed because of the way the talk and joke now. And now they both are fully active in the church one with a calling. now we just need to get her younger sister one. I am so greatful for this opportunity to see the gosple make these changes.

After church we wanted to visit that ding family that came to church two weeks ago. they said they couldn’t meet untill after chinhese new year, and have not picked up their phone in a long time, but we felt we should drop by. We went and they were not home. now with two places to find people in mind we tried to see which one the spirit was propting us to go to. one would cause us to take a left and the other a right turn. We both felt to turn right. what first felt like a casual every day missionary choice would soon be made know as a spiritual promting. As we traveled down the road I ran into Brother ding. the father of the family we were trying to visit. He was so happy to see us. we pulled over to the side and talked for a bit. he invited us over to eat during new years. He also asked a question about Adam and Eve, which was our last message that we shared with them. He asked, "why did Adam and eve take the fruit, if not we would all be liveing in paridise right now?" my moring studies in 2 Nephi 2 asnwered his question and I invited him to go home and read it and when we meet again we can talk about it. I was such a cool experience.

Ok, thats all a got this week, sorry its so long! thank you all for all the thoughts and prayers!

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